Daily Reflection October 29th, 2008
by Cathy Weiss Pedersen
Campus Ministry
Ephesians 6:1-9
Psalm 145:10-11, 12-13ab, 13cd-14
Luke 13:22-30
As engaged couples approach the completion of the marriage preparation process, their discussion centers on what is meant by the pledge to be faithful to and with one another. As a marriage preparation facilitator of the FOCCUS process, I encourage the couple to step back and remember what it is about the other that brings/gives them the confidence and courage to promise love, no matter what, to and with the other person. The momentous promise and commitment in marriage is a life long journey with another that demands a solid foundation of mutual love and respect and realistic acceptance of one another, in order to grow into the reality of day to day living out of our pledge of love and faithfulness.
Today’s readings focus on faithfulness. The psalmist praises God’s faithfulness in all that God is and does. The psalm invites us and all of creation to give thanks to God, to proclaim God’s goodness and faithfulness. God is ever present to and with us, lifting us up, always ready to raise us up out of our down times. (Hmmm…. sounds like the ‘faithful’ vows of marriage!) How are we to be present to our God, as God is faithful/present to us? What is it in each of our day to day living that calls us to live as God’s image/present to one another?
In the letter to the Ephesians, Paul speaks to each person, calling him/her to be faithful in their calling: Children, obey your parents; parents do not provoke your children to anger, but teach them the ways of God; Servants or those in authority, serve God from the heart…knowing that all are called to be faithful and that there is no partiality with God. Again, the message is strong: God is present to each of us and we are called to respond with faithfulness/presence to God and one another in our walk of life.
In the gospel, the question, “Who will be saved?” prompts Jesus to respond that people will come from all directions of the earth and are called to God’s kingdom/table: “For, behold, some are last who will be first, and some are first who will be last.” (In the passages surrounding this reading, Jesus continues to talk about God’s kingdom as one in process…the mustard seed; bread with leaven; mother hen gathering her chicks.) Again, the theme seems to be….All are called into faithful relationship with God. But life is a process of living into that relationship with God and others. It is the journey and process in which one prayerfully discerns God’s presence and faithfulness by walking/being with God, inviting God into our daily struggles, celebrations, and interactions with others.
And so the question really is…can I walk my daily path of ‘ups and downs’, knowing that God’s love and faithful presence is with me? Can I trust that God is really with me as I meet the demands and schedules, worries and joys of life? How do I live out my presence to God’s call…faithful to my calling to be the person/ God’s image, that I am?
In the United States, we will soon elect a new president. As we go to the polls, how will each of us answer the call to be faithful citizens? Who/what are the choices that will bring each of us, and all of us together for the common good…the good of God’s creation? How will we live into our faithfulness with our God? Let us pray that we may be faithful citizens, not only at the polls, but that we will work for the common good of all of God’s creation into the future.