2008. 7. 11.

Talking to myself a little bit. Filling the lonely hours. :)

we need to see what God is doing and get with him, rather than make up our own plans and expect him to join us. \

But God is active in our history, and in our present. This goes against popular philosophy which says that God either just doesn't exist, or that he doesn't care what's happening "down here." He most definitely does care. Those of us who love him know this to be true.

And this shows us something of his character. That he is loving and compassionate towards his children. He is even loving and compassionate towards those who reject him. At least for a while. After all, "the rain falls on the just and the unjust." God doesn't just send rain on people who follow him. And earthquakes don't just strike the homes of unbelievers. There will come a day, though, when God's compassion will reach its end, and justice will prevail. And since he is the Maker, anything that he chooses to do is just.

How do I respond to this type of God? I serve him. I worship him in awe of his mighty power and the fact that he chose me to be one of his. There was nothing that I did to make me worthy of this choice. It was simply his good pleasure and I have benefited from that. And for that, I throw myself at his feet in joyful celebration!

Father, I have gone through a variety of topics today, and some differing emotions. Let me be aware of your work around me. Let me always be on the lookout for your activity. You have "moved into my neighborhood." You are living in my house. And you inhabit the corporate "temple" that is the Body of Christ, which is what you are directing my attention to strongly this week. This still goes along with your directives to care for the body. I continue to ask you to please help that be central in my mind and heart. And help those of us who minister at the little piece of your "house" where we worship to make it a place where people truly love you and worship you and care for each other.

As we travel around our neighborhoods in the next few days, let's ponder the implications of God moving into our neighborhoods. What if he lived next door to us?
And be thankful, oh so very thankful, that he pursues you!

Grace and peace, friends!

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Pippa * Jeanne :

Hi Zenobia! Thank you for this post, which offers so much food for thought.

The thought of God being so much more loving and gentle and happy and excited about us than we can ever imagine, this really thrills me and makes me want to purr with happiness. If only we could mirror this more regularly and more perfectly! We will keep on doing our best ...

And your last question makes me think a lot. What if God worked with me in the office today, where everything was so stressed and I forgot to shine and instead muttered and frowned? I hang my head in shame.

I find it utterly useful to imagine Jesus next to me. Tomorrow I invite Him into the office with me. In fact, right now I invite Him into this little home, and every road I will walk!

Thank you for reminding me!

Love & bright light to you...