2008. 9. 2.

6 Easy Steps to Getting What You Want

Step 1 - Read these instructions.
(See? I told you this was gonna be easy!)

Step 2 - Think about what you want.
Think of the resolution to a challenge you’re facing. Or some kind of expansion you’re intending in your life. Or some area of your life that could use a little energy, light, abundance, peace, or healing.

Step 3 - Write your intention as powerfully as you can.
“I am intending a healthy body and full healing from back pain.” = more powerful.
“I am sick and miserable. Please help me not be sick and miserable” = less powerful.
For some, it might feel impossible to write a powerful intention, especially if you’re scared or hurting. That’s okay. But just try to remember this: the more of your own affirming mindset that you can conjure up, the better it is for you. If you can’t conjure that up - then read on. We’ll do it for you!

Step 4 - Comment below. Or send an Email.
Put your intention or request in the comment box below or send an email entitled, “Prayer List” to christine@christinekane.com. State your intention or your request.

Step 5 - Let go.
Waste no time wondering if you did it right or if this stuff even works or if you look stupid or if you asked for the perfect thing when you need so many things or if your boss will know that’s you in the comments asking for a different job. Let go means let go. Take a breath and let go.

Step 6 - Be grateful.
At some point today, write down or say out loud ten things for which you are grateful in your life. Be grateful that you are learning the lesson that this challenge is offering. Be grateful that you have friends, a roof over your head, a job. Just be grateful for as much as you can.

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