2008. 9. 1.

Chords from the heart. by blue bird

Life in a prism

Life in a prism of windows, me looking out in wonder.Wondering which way to go, which window of light to jump through. Sometimes I delight in my comfortable place, all warm and familiar,with windows to peek out of. Where I can just sit and watch from a distance, life going by, going past at it's awesomely fast rate. But to venture out, out to all the beautiful things in the world that wait for my discovery, can be a huge ask.

Can I leave this cosy place of mine? Can I walk free of these lovely walls, and turn a way to face something new and different? Can I be brave, be bold, be adventurous, somewhat wreckless In walking a long distance from everything that makes life so nice and supportive?

Am I brave I wonder? Am I?

Suddenly the window opens, a hand becons from above. "Come out" says a voice, kindly,gently encouragingly.

I rise to my feet, raise my leg to the window, put my foot out, climb on the window sill. I hesitate.The air is mild, smells fresh and sweet, all looks well, looks safe and completely free from danger.

I scan everything. Look for pitfalls, pot holes, and barriers. Make sure I can get back to my window if need be.

"Come' SAYS THE SOFT UNDERSTANDING VOICE."Come with me" I take the invisible hand of my God and he leads me out of the prism, out of the window. The grass is soft and green under my bare feet. It is cool and fragrant.

Gardenias fill the air with a heady perfume, while pretty fusias seem to dance in an unannouced ballet, each dancer wearing a beautiful frilly dress to do her part to impress the audience.

I am wondering far from my safe zone, my place of comfort and safety. I glance around worredly, but I feel the strong arm of my God about my shoulders. I relax, he is with me, guiding me like a guide dog that leads the blind woman on her way. I turn another corner,then another and another and so on until I am in unfamiliar territorry. All is strange to me. The smells, the sounds, the faces of those milling around. Scuffles break out, I hear shouts, people look at me as one they do not know. I feel a little fear, but God is near. He pulls me in tight, not allowing me to enter into a fight, this night.

Then I see her, a little pale face in the shadows, crouching under a miriad of plants and trees. Hiding from something scary, something she doesn't want to see. Something she doesn't want to experience....something painful she doesn't to to feel....

I stay in the light,where she can see my face . I speak softly, speak words of comfort.''It's okay, I won't hurt you..It's okay, I know someone who can help you."

We exchange names. She lets her defence down.

Soon I am able to coax her out of her dark prism, she stretches forth her foot, her legs and her frame until she is free to walk right next to me, holding my hand tightly,as I hold onto my God tightly too!

In the light of the street lamp, I tell her of heaven and how God has the power to help, to answer prayers. I tell her he is powerful, and full of might and can work miracles to make bad things in our lives go away or even disapear.

She closes her eyes to pray to tell God what is wrong, to tell him what she is afraid of and why she needs help........ God listens,and is about to answer more wonderfully than she can imagine.

Right then her mother startles me.She has been listening quietly from behind a tree. She smiles meekly, a new sparkle in her eyes. The little girl apon seeing her mummy, runs to her waiting arms.........

This story is ficticious today..................but it does illustrate how God can use any of us to reach out and help someone in need of a knowlege of him!

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